Thursday, March 10, 2005

Straw: War Is Freedom

IngSoc told us War Is Peace but NuLab tell us War Is Freedom. (Jack Straw in the Guardian making excuses.)

  • Oceania (commonly called the US and Britain) is at war with Afghanistan Iraq. Oceania has always been at war with Afghanistan Iraq.
  • Eurasia (commonly called Russia, Pakistan, etc.) is allied with Oceania in war against Afghanistan. Eurasia has always been allied with Oceania.
  • It's okay that there were no “weapons of mass destruction” in Iraq; that's not why we went to war.
  • The Nobel prize committee has been considering nominating George Bush and Tony Blair for the Peace prize.
  • Just like in 1984's Room 101, the Miniluv operations in Guantánamo Bay were authorised to “exploit a prisoner's phobias, sometimes using muzzled dogs in interrogations.” Doubleplusgood!
  • “I just want you to know that, when we talk about war, we're really talking about peace.” — George W. Bush.


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